Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Transfers June 23, 2015

We are sharing a ton of photos from transfer day. Enjoy!

Our departing missionaries

Going to the MTC to welcome our new missionaries

Fine looking missionaries

Elder Koyle and Elder Menendez

Elder Malapula

Elder Compton and Elder Cazier

Humorous Elder Tye

President and Sister Dunn, Elder Worton greeting our new missionaries

Group photo of departing and new missionaries

Breakfast includes our new and departing missionaries

Elder Menendez and Elder Dye

Elders Clegg and Menendez

Elder Sibanda

Elder Oldroyd and Elder Pier

Singing before transfer meeting starts

The following photos show our departing elders receiving their South Africa Johannesburg Mission pin

Elder Brasher

Elder Cazier

Elder Compton

Elder Dutson

Elder Dye

Elder Koyle

Elder Malapula

Elder Menendez

Elder Neuenschwander

Elder Sipiri

Elder Thompson

Elder Tye

Elder Wood

Closing with the mission song

Sister Thompson, Elder Menendez and Me